Who-to-contact for …#

Geosciences Faculty#

Associate Head for Graduate Programs#

  • Name: Don Fisher

  • Email: dmf6@psu.edu

  • Office: 339 Deike

  • Note: Petitioning classes

Department Head#

  • Name: Chris House

  • Email: chrishouse@psu.edu

  • Office: 435 Deike

Associate Head for Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion#

  • Name: Elizabeth Hajek

  • Email: hajek@psu.edu

  • Office: 534 Deike

Geosciences Staff#

Administrative Support Coordinator#

  • Name: Amy Hasan

  • Email: alh31@psu.edu

  • Office: 116F Deike

  • Note: Department questions, department events

Graduate Student Coordinator#

  • Name: Jennifer Houser

  • Email: jjh2@psu.edu

  • Office: 116 Deike

  • Note: Register for research credits, send annual review reports to, graduate student deadlines and events, fellowship/internship/job opportunities

Financial Coordinator#

  • Name: Loren Newman

  • Email: ljn5212@psu.edu

  • Office: 116D Deike

  • Note: Reimbursements, travel expenses, anything money, sign up for Monday coffee hour

Administrative Support Assistant#

  • Name: Laura Rush

  • Email: lbr5310@psu.edu

  • Office: 116 Deike

  • Note: Keys, room access, colloquium speaker information, department events

Research Support Technologist#

  • Name: Steve Swavely:

  • Email: sls71@psu.edu

  • Office: 509 Deike

  • Note: Intra-office issues


Need help with your PSU technology or downloading software on your PSU computer?

  • Email: helpdesk@ems.psu.edu

  • Phone: 814-865-4357

  • PC/Windows

    • Name: Zachary McClure

    • Email: zsm5133@psu.edu

    • Office: 226 Deike

  • Mac/macOS

    • Name: Brandon Brambaugh

    • Email: bmb6053@psu.edu

ROAR and ROAR Collab#

  • Email: icds@psu.edu

Hadjimichael Group#

Assistant Professor, PI#

Postdoctoral Associates#

  • Gabriela Gesualdo

    • gqg5266@psu.edu

    • Office: 441 Deike

PhD Students#

  • Alexander Thames

    • ayt5134@psu.edu

    • Office: 434 Deike

  • Ava Spangler

    • aas6791@psu.edu

    • Office: 434 Deike

  • Ethan Heidtman

    • efh5433@psu.edu

    • Office: 434 Deike

MS Students#

  • Enock Bunyon

    • eqb5508@psu.edu

    • Office: 434 Deike

  • Madison Hernandez

    • mjh7517@psu.edu

    • Office: 434 Deike